Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD)

After narrowly missing the opportunity to work with DPIRD in 2019, I was placed on a preferred suppliers list should the need arise for external design. This led to several projects including the Renewable Hydrogen Fund Applicant Guidelines (24pp) and the Project Initiation Document (PID) WA Biosecurity Futures Project (24pp).

Then COVID-19 hit… roughly a year into the pandemic I received a call from DPIRD.

At the start of March 2021 I was contacted to back-fill for their graphic designer who was seconded to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet for the Pandemic Coordination Unit.

The contract was originally for a five month period, and although the graphic designer returned to their substantive position after this time, I was asked to remain with an extension through to the end of December.

Projects included brochures, booklets, posters, large format displays, signage, social media graphics, Powerpoint templates and animated videos for digital wayfinding signs and the Superscreen at Optus Stadium.

DPIRD Annual Report 2020/21

I was assigned creative lead for the design, production and delivery of the annual report for 2020/2021. Additional to concept design through to print and screen ready artwork, I was tasked with the RFQ process for the provision and delivery of printed copies to the East Perth premises.

The process included selection recommendations, supplier communications and delivery logistics. Additional co-ordination with Strategic Communications staff resulted in the delivery of the required copies to the relevant ministers for tabling in parliament.

The time spent within DPIRD gave me a greater appreciation for the complexities, work flow and challenges that are a part of working in the public sector.